About four and a half years ago, after having been Confined...

About four and a half years ago, after having been confined to my bed for a week with diphtheritic sore throat, and having received no relief from the treatment given by our family physician, I made my own demonstration by applying the grain of truth which I had gleaned from a friend. This friend was at the time taking Christian Science treatment for physical troubles of long years' standing, and being wonderfully benefited thereby, had tried to give me a glimpse of the truth as she was receiving it. Two days after I had put aside all my medicines I was back in the musical school, had resumed my duties, and no trace of the disease was left. Since then I have had no further attacks of throat trouble, which formerly were of frequent occurrence. I now find that I always have my help close at hand, and my desire is to work along patiently and meekly, doing my best always. I am truly grateful to our revered Leader, through whom the great light of Truth has come once more.

Mrs. Amanda Haas, Chicago, Ill.

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From our Exchanges
July 15, 1905

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