My father was a minister, and the home of my childhood...

My father was a minister, and the home of my childhood was full of love. I felt that no one could live closer to God than I did, but when I married, and the cares and disappointments of life came to me, I wondered why God did not hear my cry for help. For years I struggled and prayed to be delivered from the burden of sorrow and sickness. Four years ago Christian Science found me almost a wreck, mentally and physically. The doctors had told me that there was no hope of my ever being well, as they had done all they could for me. After reading Science and Health for a while I was able to help myself over many difficulties, but two years ago there came a great trouble, and for a while I felt that I would lose my reason. I asked for and received treatment from a student, and to-day I am rejoicing in health and happiness. My heart overflows with gratitude and love for the dear practitioner who so patiently led me, step by step, out of the mists of error into the sunshine of God's great love, where fetters fall and Truth makes free. I hope to be able to follow in the path which our dear Leader has marked out for us, through patience, perseverance, and love. Each day I ask that divine Love will guide and direct every one who has so lovingly helped me over the rugged way.—Mrs. Ollie Vaughn, Schuyler, Neb.

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Testimony of Healing
I desire to give my grateful testimony to the healing and...
March 18, 1905

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