When over the fair fame of friend or foeThe shadow of disgrace shall fall; insteadOf words of blame, or proof of thus and so,Let something good be said.
second year's work upon the Chautauqua grounds at the beautiful lake, miscalled Devil's Lake, has been a source of gratification to the Scientists.
accordance with the Proclamations of President Roosevelt and of Governor Crane, memorial services for the late President William McKinley, were held in the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston, Mass.
are glad that their efforts at honest Christian living are bearing such fruits as, in comparison with other good people, enable a Christian minister to give the following unqualified words of commendation: "I have studied Christian Scientists for years, and I never found such a uniformly good people in my travels.
are often met with the statement that if Christian Science is the Truth we should be able so to explain it as to be understood by those who maintain that they cannot see it as we do.
When Christian Science was first brought to my notice I was suffering from troubles caused by childbirth, and the doctor told me I must go to the hospital or I would never see another well day.
with contributions from J. Brierly, F.E. Marsten, Brooke Herford
One of the recent finds made by archaeologists is that of an edifice adjoining the Roman Forum at the base of the Palatine Hill, which was turned into a Christian church probably at the end of the fifth or beginning of the sixth century.
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