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Christian Science brought Peace
Not quite a year ago I came to Christian Science for help, after all material remedies had failed to give more than temporary relief. I knew little of Christian Science, and had little confidence, but as I seemed to be slowly but surely passing away, and as my suffering was constant, I wrote to a relative in another state, who had, during the years that had intervened since I last saw her, become an earnest Christian Scientist. She wrote me that I could be healed, and lovingly took up my case. At the same time she advised me to get "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," which I did, but could not read with any understanding for some time.
My healing has been slow, and I think it has been best in many ways, for while following it up to gain my health, I have found the peace that passeth understanding. I can never be thankful enough to my healer who by her patient, loving efforts led me out of bondage, and pointed me to the Great Physician who healeth all our diseases. It has been a constant warfare against error, but Truth is mighty. My diseases were many, some of long standing, but the anguish of mind was far worse. for I was daily becoming more of a burden to those I loved.
Words are inadequate to express the wonderful healing, both spiritually and physically, which I have experienced. The Bible is a different book, and while but a beginner I know that each day I may advance farther. I have a different concept of God from what I ever had before, and I can truly say, "All things are become new." Christian Science reveals a God that I can love, for I once thought He sent all those afflictions on me, and I feared Him more than I loved Him. The words of the Psalmist come to me as I write. "Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to usward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered."
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September 12, 1901 issue
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Relic of Revolutionary Days
W. Heath with contributions from Seth Loring
Dare to Try
S. E. Kiser
In Answer to a Correspondent
W. D. McCrackan
A. J. M.
President McKinley
with contributions from W. G. Ewing
Not Authorized
"Some Heretical Nobles."
What's the use of blaming others,...
Wm. Brunton with contributions from John Bunyan
A False Claim
For Favors Received
How Christian Science Illumines all Truth
Physical and Moral Benefits Received
E. M. H.
Christian Science brought Peace
E. M. Herbst
Happiness found at Last
F. L. S.
Thankful for the Opportunity to Learn the Truth
Winfield E. McBride
Religious Items
with contributions from James Freeman Clarke, George Brown