hundred dollars for eight pages of dingy reading! That's a good deal of money you will acknowledge, to invest in four small leaves of print paper," observed a Walnut Street dealer in rare books the other day.
In Christian Science there is an eclipse which is under our control and against which we must protect ourselves: this is the passing of dark, material thought between us and the ever-present light.
Revelation of Christianus and other Christian Science Poems" by the Earl of Dunmore, is the title of a book of poems by Lord Dunmore printed by the University Press, Cambridge, U.
For eleven years I have been the recipient of blessings from Christian Science, and never until now have I sent evan a line to our precious periodicals in gratitude.
The understanding of the omnipotence of divine Love which has come to me through Christian Science, has brought me such peace and happiness that it has transformed my life both spiritually and physically.
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