The Journal and Sentinel bring so much that is helpful...

The Journal and Sentinel bring so much that is helpful to our home that I feel it a duty to give a little in return for all the good received.

God's word in Christian Science is the power in our home. Our little girls have been healed of so-called contagious disease, have also been protected many times from contagion. My husband has been greatly helped in business and I have been healed and brought through different forms of error and disease. Christian Science was the one and only physician at the birth of our youngest girl now three years old. I am most grateful for the uncovering of evil thoughts and the ability to destroy them through the understanding gained from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Obedience to the Truth which Mrs. Eddy has so unselfishly striven to give to a sin-sick world, is the one way we can be grateful to her.

Mrs. W. M. Jeffery, Pittsburg, Pa.

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Testimony of Healing
Before coming into Christian Science an attack of headache,...
July 18, 1901

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