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Christian Science Applied to Education
The Courant
It is generally conceded that education is not a pouring in, nor a storing away of information in the human mind, but rather the drawing out and setting in motion of the latent capabilities of the individual; that it is the building up and rounding out of true character,—cherishing and expanding those primal elements of real manhood and womanhood that make for righteousness, that enable one to be and to do that which is highest and best. We will go a little further and say, education is necessarily that drawing out of and away from the false sense of self in matter, in personality, whereby alone the full expressing of Good, or image of God, is made to appear.
To be educated, then, means to be in that state of mind in which all the qualities of good and all the faculties for doing good are brought into free and continual use; to have laid aside every weight of material limitation, and to be running the race of life in full possession of the power, freedom, and dominion which God has given His own. Such a condition of things, extending from the individual to the community, and ever increasing and multiplying until it includes the whole human family, must result in that reign of rightness, order, health, harmony, toward which all longing eyes, all aspiring hopes, are turned—"toward which the whole creation moves."
We believe this heavenly kingdom to be at hand, even as our Master and his herald and his followers all proclaimed; and we further aver that, in the understanding or knowledge of Christian Science, revealed to this age through its Discoverer and Founder—Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy—we believe that we have the key to its inmost treasures.
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July 18, 1901 issue
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Chicago as a Seaport City
Elbert O. Woodson
Changes in State Capitals
with contributions from John James Taylor, Lansing
Christian Science Applied to Education
Mary Brookins
A Word for Christian Science
Sue H. Mims
An Interesting Letter
Editor with contributions from Henry Robinson
Avoid the Appearance of Evil
Overcoming not Overlooking
The Visit to Pleasant View
Christian Science Doctrine
Mrs. Conger not There
Sara Pike Conger
Over the field when the day is fair,...
John Fullerton
The Annual Communion Season
The Undivided Garment
Found a Demonstrable Religion
Ethel L. Reed
Desire for Tobacco Overcome
M. Halliday
Grateful for Light and Peace
Carrie E. Peterman
A Business Man's Testimony
R. J. McL
Christian Science brought Health and Happiness
T. B. Yeager
Sorrow Turned into Joy
A. L. S.
Religious Items
with contributions from Richter, Robert MacDonald