Unsolved Problems of Science

The following extract is from an article, on the abovenamed subject, which appeared in a recent issue of the Chicago Tribune. The article was written by Dr. Wilhelm Mueller, a German traveler and scientist. The doctor has evidently given much time and thought to the subject, and it would seem that he had almost reached the conclusion that, from a material basis at least, the problem of matter is inexplicable. Thus, even in the researches of natural science, we see illustrated the truth of the Scriptural declaration that "the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal."

All such conclusions which are being reached by natural scientists, are preparing the human thought for the reception of the teachings of the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." The statement contained therein that "Ali is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation," furnishes a basis, which is both Scriptural and Scientific, for the solution of all the problems of life.

The extract from Dr. Mueller's article is as follows:—

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The Lectures
April 18, 1901

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