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My parents were devoted, earnest Christians in the Presbyterian Church. As a child, I thought this a happy world if God would only stop the sickness and death, instead of permitting them. I was told He saw, in His infinite wisdom that it was for our good. We had sickness and death all the time and I used to watch the family to see if they did grow good.

That God was Love, yet Justice; that some must be lost and others saved; that the atonement was the only way out, and true repentance brought a certainty of Heaven, and then one was all right, was the religion taught. There was no explanation of God that harmonized with what it seemed to me God was, I gave just as little thought to it as I could, for it all was so full of incongruities. I would never have thought, had I not feared eternal punishment, as I saw no other reason for trying to love God.

My mother's life of love and happiness was a mystery, her God was Love. At last I was led to try not to think of all the things I could not understand, but let them go,—"Repent and be saved," and believe God was Love any way. I felt that was a little better; was converted, united with the church, and my desire was so strong to have others learn as much of God and the Christ as I had, I devoted my life to city missionary work for years.

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Testimony of Healing
Benefits Received from the Study of Science and Health
October 11, 1900

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