Register yesterday, through an inadvertence which is practically inevitable in the selection of news matter of a miscellaneous character, printed an article to the effect that Rev.
account of Jesus' appearance upon this earth as given in the Gospel of Saint Mark is unlike that of the other gospels in that it makes no mention of his material birth.
following was published in the Boston Herald of December 26, relative to an editorial in that paper which, among other things, claimed that Christian Scientists seek to practise in an unnatural way merely for personal benefits.
A story
even more striking and more pathetic than that of Father Damien is told in a thin volume of one hundred and seventeen pages—"Mary Reed, Missionary to the Lepers, by John Jackson, with an Introductory Note by the Rev.
may be interesting and helpful to those who are beginning to read Christian Science literature, and who stumble at the statement in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker G.
A case which came to me for treatment was a child, a boy nine years old, who had passed through a fever which his mother said had left him quite deaf, and with almost constant flow of blood from the ears.
There are few better protections against unworthy conduct than the faculty of believing in yourself and taking a high estimate of what the future has in store for you.
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