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The Lectures
From the headquarters of the Christian Scientists in London (writes a Daily Chronicle correspondent) I received only yesterday morning (Monday, June 5) an invitation to attend a lecture announced for the same afternoon at Queen's Hall, Langham Place. The card was a modest little affair, such as would be issued by any humble religious body addressed to its supporters, but the name and style of the lecturer attracted me, even surprised me into canceling another engagement in its favor. He was described as William N. Miller, Esq., Q.C., C.S.B. Thinking I could not be mistaken in omitting from my recollection any such English Queen's Counsel, it was an obvious thing, for a moment, to suppose that the letters "Q.C." were as cryptic as the letters "C.S.B." So, too, it was natural to expect in such a hall, for such a purpose, on a sultry summer afternoon, only a few devoted adherents of the new sect hungering for spiritual pabulum.
Judge of my surprise on finding Queen's Hall—the large hall, be it remembered, Mr. George Grossmith and Mr. Albert Chevalier sharing honors in the smaller halls—well filled with one of the most fashionable audiences of the season. Mostly ladies, to be sure, but all apparently from the upper ranks of London society. Here and there a group could be seen attended by fathers, husbands, or other male relatives, but certainly a most gaily attired array of disciples. Whether this means that the new cult has already become fashionable or not, it must be left for others to determine. A Liszt or Paderewski recital could not have commanded the presence of more charming millinery. Moreover, a peer (Lord Dunmore) occupied the chair, and introduced the lecturer.
He proved to be Mr. W. N. Miller, Q.C., of Toronto (said to be a very distinguished and capable colonial lawyer), whose presence and manner, as well as his clean-cut forensic style, instantly attracted attention. It would scarcely be too much to say that they instantly commanded respect, for he was clearly not a lawyer speaking to his brief, but a whole-souled convert—with a warrant of personal experience. Thus proving to be a real Queen's Counsel, learned in the law, it was disappointing to learn that the other initials attached to his name only indicated the degree he had taken at the university established by the Scientists in the State of Massachusetts, which is only that of Bachelor, whereas Mrs. Eddy's publisher is the proud possessor of a Doctorship—not a medical doctor's degree, of course. Mr. Miller began by explaining how he had become a Christian Scientist. He and Mrs. Miller had belonged to an Orthodox Church. They had a son who, in spite of all medical skill they could command, had died, and in their sorrow they were led to the Christian Scientists, from whom they speedily learned that "God is Life, and death an enemy not to be submitted to." Thus, they perceived that Christian Science was primitive Christianity revived, and its method of healing never surpassed except by its first demonstrator, Jesus Christ.
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July 6, 1899 issue
View Issue-
The Future of Christian Science
The Lectures
with contributions from L. I. S., Carrie A. Haugan, Avarilla P. Dollery, Mary Louise Russell, L. B. Ferguson, Ida G. Stewart
Another Victory
Louise W. Chapman
The Kansas Medical Bill
H. A. Bailey
Work in the South
Geo. W. Smith
A Lesson from a Coin
Recites Buddhist Prayers
William L. Showers
Thanks for the Sentinel
Charles D. Johnston
Questions and Answers
E. H. B., J. C. B.
Expressions of Gratitude
with contributions from C. L. M., E. L. Manson
From a New-Churchman
James Erwin
From England
F. H. B.
A Prayer