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Those members of the Kings County Medical Society who are actively engaged in prosecuting Christian Scientists and other faith healers in Brooklyn may be actuated by the most laudable motives. It would not be fair to say that the regularly anointed M.D.'s are suffering from the competition of the mental therapeutics and seek to drive them from the field by legal persecution. But this much may be said—if faith healers are to be prosecuted every time one of their patients dies the regulars cannot complain if they are subjected to a similar inquisition. And such a thing is very likely to come to pass. If the regularly graduated physicians lost no patients they would of course be perfectly safe in attacking the faith cure people. Yet every one knows that people die under the care of physicians as well as under the ministrations of mental healers. Therefore, if the faith healer is to be haled into court every time he loses a patient the graduated Æsculapian cannot expect to avoid like proceedings. Both must be treated alike. Both must be held accountable for their failures to cure their patients, and we have an idea that when it comes to percentages of death certificates the regulars will not have much to crow over.
Chicago (Ill.) Chronicle.
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July 6, 1899 issue
View Issue-
The Future of Christian Science
The Lectures
with contributions from L. I. S., Carrie A. Haugan, Avarilla P. Dollery, Mary Louise Russell, L. B. Ferguson, Ida G. Stewart
Another Victory
Louise W. Chapman
The Kansas Medical Bill
H. A. Bailey
Work in the South
Geo. W. Smith
A Lesson from a Coin
Recites Buddhist Prayers
William L. Showers
Thanks for the Sentinel
Charles D. Johnston
Questions and Answers
E. H. B., J. C. B.
Expressions of Gratitude
with contributions from C. L. M., E. L. Manson
From a New-Churchman
James Erwin
From England
F. H. B.
A Prayer