Inasmuch as your president has asked me to say something about colonial government I will give you a brief account of affairs in Cuba, and tell you something of what the government is trying to do there.
Two o'clock yesterday afternoon, was the occasion of the laying of the corner-stone of the beautiful temple now being erected at the corner of Twelfth and Felix Streets.
attendance yesterday morning at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, was very large, the occasion being holy Communion services, at which twenty-four members were received into the church.
it would be of interest to the readers of the Sentinel to know something of the attempted passage of the medical bill in the Kansas Legislature during the winter just passed.
Dear Editor:—It was my earnest desire to communicate the contents of this letter to you in person while in Boston during our Great Feast, but your many duties and special engagements prevented my doing so.
Those members of the Kings County Medical Society who are actively engaged in prosecuting Christian Scientists and other faith healers in Brooklyn may be actuated by the most laudable motives.
I Must
not delay to bring my tithe of loving gratitude into the storehouse for all the blessings that divine Love has showered upon us at this Communion season in the Mother Church.
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