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Communion Service
Florida Times-Union and Citizen
The attendance yesterday morning at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, was very large, the occasion being holy Communion services, at which twenty-four members were received into the church. The rooms were beautifully decorated with magnolia buds and ferns. The services were conducted by Mrs. Annie Wood, First Reader, and Mr. Albert Doran, Second Reader; the citations from the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, were selected with special reference to the Lord's last supper and holy communion.
The services were brought to a close by the members, including the new ones, and all visitors, joining in holy Communion, the Christian Science conception of holy Communion being an absence of the unleavened bread and unfermented wine, being a true communion with God—Truth, Love, and Life—in silence, all kneeling in prayer. This Communion is so sacred to the Christian Scientist that preparation is made by continuously searching their lives to make them free from sin. These Communion services are held but twice a year.
The First Reader, Mrs. Annie E. Wood, addressed the new members, as follows:—
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July 6, 1899 issue
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The Future of Christian Science
The Lectures
with contributions from L. I. S., Carrie A. Haugan, Avarilla P. Dollery, Mary Louise Russell, L. B. Ferguson, Ida G. Stewart
Another Victory
Louise W. Chapman
The Kansas Medical Bill
H. A. Bailey
Work in the South
Geo. W. Smith
A Lesson from a Coin
Recites Buddhist Prayers
William L. Showers
Thanks for the Sentinel
Charles D. Johnston
Questions and Answers
E. H. B., J. C. B.
Expressions of Gratitude
with contributions from C. L. M., E. L. Manson
From a New-Churchman
James Erwin
From England
F. H. B.
A Prayer