March 12, 1910
with contributions from Lucy E. Doe, Meredith Perry Chase, Alice H. Sparks, Estelle Price, Luella Fanning, Mollie E. Walch, Geo. H. Stewart, Rachel Stewart, Edward W. Dickey, E. J. Simpson
March 5, 1910
with contributions from Septimus J. Hanna, Emily Ruth Becker, W. M. Benjamin, M. A. Swinerton, Sue Mims, Nemi Robertson, John A. Webster, David B. Ogden, Mary Thorn, Florence Becker, Nellie Paull-Carroll
February 26, 1910
with contributions from Elmore W. Murray, George H. Kinter, Thomas R. Congdon, E. Howard Gilkey, Sopha Church Hall, Annie Jones Atkin, Alida Phillips, Alice C. Walker, Edith Bayne Gaines, Louise Hercenhahn, Carrie Quiri Quant, Grace O. Given
February 19, 1910
with contributions from J. F. Muller, Edward Thomas Baker, Florence Clerihew Boyd, Mary Wellman, Mary A. Packard, Emile E. Charpiot, Mattie Wheeler, William E. Armstrong, Charles B. Jamieson, William W. Critchett, Helen E. Moore, Laura Covalt
February 12, 1910
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy, Frederick Dixon, Ernest C. Price, A. Phelps Wyman, Mary Brookins, Geo. H. Cooper, Ellen N. Van Ostrand, Jessie C. Adams, H. B. Dutton, C. C. Cook, W. R. Thomas, G.H. Trader, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Peoria, Ill
February 5, 1910
with contributions from Stella D. Cary, Carrie F. Roehr, Eugenia L. Mason, Orlando B. Cudebac, Herbert A. Morgan, Alice Cheney Smith, Alice Thrall Nebe, Minnie S. Munson, Philip Peter Major, Thomas H. Smith, Margaret Riggs Cox, Margaret Dundee Gibb, Ella Garrison Young, L. M. Barber, Jennie J. Churchill, Eliza L. Jones
January 29, 1910
with contributions from J. S. Braithwaite, Mary Baker Eddy, Verna M. Raynor, Katherine L. Viall, Sarah C. Linscott, Louis N. Bennett, Harriet C. Stanley, Rosa W. Hillis, Molly T. Allured, Alice M. Martineau, Blanche E. Lester, John Whitten, B. R. Deming, Marcia Craft
January 22, 1910
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy, Ira O. Knapp, J. Newton Conger, E. Fennema, Gerard J. Krüsemann, Anna E. Caldwell, Ella Pence Ellis, Lillian E. Denny, Laura E. Bennett, Wm. C. Keith, Fannie Lavina Pike
January 15, 1910
with contributions from Charles H. Gibbs, Alexandrina C. G. Gibbs, Martha H. Gish, William C. Off, Annah T. Norton, Minnie S. Avery, P. McKenzie, David B. Ogden
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