Hearing God clearly

It was four hours before the first performance of my school’s musical, and I couldn’t find my bocal—a tiny part of the mouthpiece for an English Horn. There was no way I could play my instrument without it, and I began to panic. What if I couldn’t find it? What if I couldn’t perform? As these thoughts raced through my head, I felt myself becoming overwhelmed with shame and fear. 

Truthfully, I didn’t turn to God for help right away like I realize in hindsight I should have. Instead, I frantically retraced my steps around the school. Frustration started to kick in, because it seemed like recently, forgetting things was becoming a pattern for me. I felt like I couldn’t think clearly because of feelings of self-condemnation, fear, and doubt.

God was my guide. Any right idea I needed would come from Him.

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

TeenConnect: Your Healings
A quick healing at camp
TeenConnect: Your Healings
A God-directed role
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Off to practice—trusting God
TeenConnect: Your Healings
After the break-up
TeenConnect: Your Healings
A healing of homesickness
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Love others? How hard could that be?
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Prayer on the way to the peak
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Deserving of love
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Attitude adjustment
TeenConnect: Your Healings
‘How could I be angry with him?’
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Safe at first base
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Healing a broken heart
TeenConnect: Your Healings
A new way of praying—that heals
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Clear guidance for healing
TeenConnect: Your Healings
A new way of helping others
TeenConnect: Your Healings
The right ideas when you need them
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Lost and found
TeenConnect: Your Healings
On track with God

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