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Your genesis
Right at the outset of the Bible’s initial book, Genesis, God is presented as spiritual and utterly good. This goodness is then beautifully revealed as integral to God’s creation, too. “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31). “Very good” refers to you individually and specifically—it is how God created you and it’s how you presently and eternally remain!
Immediately following these facts comes what is essentially a fable, but accepted by much of the world as fact. It’s a second account of creation—yet it’s anything but a duplicate of the first. This second account of creation in Genesis seriously misrepresents both you and God. God is depicted as anthropomorphic and you are presented as mortal, vulnerable, and sadly excluded from good.
God can’t be two things simultaneously—both Zeus-like and also infinite, ever-present Spirit. Jesus’ teachings indicate that only the first account of God and creation could possibly be valid.
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March 25, 2013 issue
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JSH-Online comment, Yvonne Renoult, Leslie Goshorn
365 days of Easter
Robin Hoagland
Spiritual study skills
Elizabeth Kellogg
Never too old for a new profession
Jane Guterres dos Santos
You are so beautiful
Sophia Muller
A spiritual take on popular music
Robert Witney
"The substance of all devotion..."
Photograph by Darci Niles
Solid facts about reality
Kathleen Collins
The paradigm of peace
Michael Morgan
'I willingly listened'
Conrad Heath
Arm and shoulder fully functional
Brian Pettersen
Lump in breast gone
Penny Witney
Healed of symptoms of cancer
Miryam Huart
Healing after a fall
Marci Martin
Neck pain disappears
Russell Whittaker
Your genesis
The Editors