Letters & Conversations

> Michelle Boccanfuso Nanouche, “Prayer poised in Principle, not problems,” Sentinel, February 10, 2025

A really helpful editorial. Keeping thought “poised in Principle” and its restorative power is such an effective guide for our minute-by-minute thinking. Most appreciated.

Susan Lapointe, Lexington, Massachusetts, US

>Heather Bauer, “Shoulder pain quickly overcome,” Sentinel, February 3, 2025

This testimony was a real thought-changer for me. If a thought doesn’t come from God, then it is not my thought.

Linda Rivers, Loganville, Georgia, US

>Love” Bible Lens and related article

Every week the Bible Lens sheds light on passages and stories in the Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly with in-depth research that is so helpful, and I find that the accompanying article deepens my understanding of the Lesson’s subject as well. The Lens on the Lesson “Love” was so good, I just had to write in. I loved the insights into the Elisha story and the freshness that the various Bible translations brought to some familiar King James Version verses. The related article, “The allness of Love” by Helen Wood Bauman, was excellent, too!

Patti Faulkner, Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada

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March 17, 2025

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