I had a healing at school!

My name is Westley. I am a first grader. 


One day at school, when I was running inside from recess, I tripped and hit my knee. Normally, I’d tell my mom, but she wasn’t there. Even though I was all by myself, I knew that God was right there with me because He is all around and nothing can get in between God and me. I know this because I am learning about God in Christian Science Sunday School. I’ve also had other healings, so I knew I would be OK. 

When I was taking my snow gear off inside, I didn’t look at my knee. Instead, I was quiet, and I felt calm thinking about God. Later, when I was in gym class and running around, I was happy, and my knee was just fine.

This is the first time I prayed on my own and had a healing at school. I’m grateful that I can pray all by myself. You can, too!

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