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January 6, 2020 issue
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From the readers
Judith George, Nicki Hudson, Maddie Cassidy
To inspire and empower humanity
Barbara Vining
Don’t just deny it
Deborah Huebsch
Walk, don’t run, and wait on God
Hilary Harper-Wilcoxen
A move toward cleaner conversations
Sharon Slaton Howell
Seeing is not always believing
Jennifer Ann Gordon
Sing out loud!
Laurie Toupin
Confidence gained through understanding God
Maggie Wenham
Feeling tired?
Naomi Nutwell
Which thoughts are God’s thoughts?
Annette Kreutziger-Herr
Growth dissolves quickly
Sarah Wither
God’s direction throughout sale of business
Bryan Holland
Strength returned
Robert Nofsinger
When I yield
Lorraine Jennings
The pause that empowers
Larissa Snorek