Testify to God’s goodness!

What happens at testimony meetings in Churches of Christ, Scientist, around the world today? These meetings are places to testify and give gratitude about important healing experiences of all kinds resulting from the study and practice of Christian Science. We should expect that upon hearing such testimonies, the visitor cannot hold back in saying, “Ah! Now this is Truth. What wonderful proofs of God’s power!”

In the Bible, Christ Jesus highlights the importance of giving thanks when he healed ten lepers, and only one came back with a pure and grateful heart to thank him. The Master questioned, “Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?” (Luke 17:17). 

Sometimes fear can get in the way of testifying to God’s goodness. But we do not have to be afraid when we’re unselfishly sharing our healings with sincerity, because the Christ is here. And we also do not have to be concerned about not knowing how to express our gratitude, or not knowing enough to demonstrate Christian Science healing. Jesus taught us to not be afraid.

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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
Never far from home: How I broke free from fear and chronic ailments
March 4, 2019

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