Don’t be fooled

If you’ve ever been to the desert, you may have seen what looks like water on the ground in the distance—even though there isn’t any water there. This is a mirage. A mirage can trick us into believing something that isn’t real—like train tracks getting closer together in the distance or an airplane getting smaller and smaller as it disappears into the sky after take-off. 

In spite of what we see, we aren’t tricked by these things, because we know the truth about what’s going on. We know how train tracks are built and that airplanes always stay the same size, on the ground and in the air.

In the Christian Science Sunday School, I learned how knowing what God is helps us to understand the truth about many important things. It starts with understanding that God is good, Spirit, and Love. And that God made everything and saw that it was “very good” (Genesis 1:31). This is a truth we can always rely on, no matter what we see with our eyes. 

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Mobility restored
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