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Why I love Sunday School
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A precious discovery
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September 3, 2018 issue
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From the readers
Robin Engel, Lark Garges Smith
Why should someone concerned about the opioid epidemic read a Christian Science magazine?
Nancy Mullen
Real manhood
Leslie J. Revilock
Integrity—we all have it!
Martha Lemasters
What dissolves the hardness of self-justification?
Kurt Lancaster
Passion or God-centered purpose?
Richard Gates
Conquering my fear of variable immigration laws
Anitha Kulandai Raj
No need for a filling
Tyler Roberts
Healed of injuries from rickshaw accident
Mrinalini Dayal
Severe reaction to poison ivy healed
Laura Bonnecarrere
Pain-free running
Claire McArthur
'Follow with reverent steps the great example ...'
Text and Photograph by Doramay Keasbey
The divine healing impetus
Janet Hegarty