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I have given the name to all the Christian Science periodicals. The first was The Christian Science Journal, designed to put on record the divine Science of Truth; the second I entitled Sentinel, intended to hold guard over Truth, Life, and Love; the third, Der Herold der Christian Science, to proclaim the universal activity and availability of Truth; the next I named Monitor, to spread undivided the Science that operates unspent. The object of the Monitor is to injure no man, but to bless all mankind.
—Mary Baker Eddy, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 353
Why should someone concerned about the opioid epidemic read a Christian Science magazine?
To those coping with chronic pain, anxiety, or depression, opioid pills hold out the promise of a longed-for oasis in what can seem like an endless desert. But the relief these drugs offer is a short-lived mirage, and for many people it comes at the high price of dependency. Over the past two decades, opioid abuse, addiction, and related overdose deaths have been rising dramatically. The search has intensified for less harmful ways of overcoming pain, as well as for treating addiction. And, thankfully, for those who are willing to look in a spiritual direction, the safe and effective answer is right at hand.
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” Christ Jesus said (Matthew 11:28). He also said, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also” (John 14:12). These promises still stand today. As more than 130 years of healings published in the Christian Science magazines show, anyone can be healed of disease or addiction by learning more about God, divine Love, through the study and practice of the divine Science of Christ taught and demonstrated by Jesus.
God is more powerful than addiction, more powerful than the painful conditions that drive sufferers to seek relief in drugs. And the healing touch of the Christ brings moral as well as physical benefits—with no negative side effects.
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September 3, 2018 issue
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From the readers
Robin Engel, Lark Garges Smith
Why should someone concerned about the opioid epidemic read a Christian Science magazine?
Nancy Mullen
Real manhood
Leslie J. Revilock
Integrity—we all have it!
Martha Lemasters
What dissolves the hardness of self-justification?
Kurt Lancaster
Passion or God-centered purpose?
Richard Gates
Conquering my fear of variable immigration laws
Anitha Kulandai Raj
No need for a filling
Tyler Roberts
Healed of injuries from rickshaw accident
Mrinalini Dayal
Severe reaction to poison ivy healed
Laura Bonnecarrere
Pain-free running
Claire McArthur
'Follow with reverent steps the great example ...'
Text and Photograph by Doramay Keasbey
The divine healing impetus
Janet Hegarty