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From the readers

[Russ Gerber, “Reacting to headlines,” Sentinel, July 23 & 30, 2018]
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On the web: The following JSH-Online.
Why ...?
To those coping with chronic pain, anxiety, or depression, opioid pills hold out the promise of a longed-for oasis in what can seem like an endless desert.
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Real manhood

Far from weakening masculinity, Christlike qualities strengthen and expand it.
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Integrity—we all have it!

In its spiritual meaning, integrity is the state of being complete, whole, and perfect.
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A correct understanding of what God is and how He made us opens the way for healing.
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Is human energy, emotion, or willpower able to provide us with legitimate and long-standing success?
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
Christian Science has taught me to remember the truth that God is good—only good.
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No need for a filling

When I returned to the dentist’s office, I had a clearer, more spiritual view of myself.
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Testimony of Healing
I was heading for my workplace on a Wednesday morning.
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Testimony of Healing
I grew up in a family in which my father was a director of hospitals his entire career.
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Testimony of Healing

Pain-free running

My favorite pastime is long-distance running.
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Image and Inspiration

'Follow with reverent steps the great example ...'

The healing impetus is divine—it is God, Love, communicating the light of Truth.
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Bible Lens
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