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The best ‘first aid’
A call came in late one blustery winter night. The woman on the other end of the line said that she had been ill throughout the day and wondered if I could come to her home (about a two-hour drive) in my capacity as a Christian Science nurse. I explained that the latest weather bulletin had advised everyone in our area not to leave home—roads were ice-covered, and many vehicles had gone off the roadway. I asked if she knew of anyone nearby who could help her with her immediate needs, and she replied that a friend might be able to come over. This individual was able to do so, and we agreed that she would check back in with me in the morning.
I then prayed to acknowledge God’s tender ever-presence and omnipotence, to know that all can feel and be healed by the Christ, God’s message of comfort and peace to each of us. I went to bed and rested well.
The next morning I got up and began to assist my husband in the kitchen. While I was removing a large glass container of boiling water from the microwave oven, my hand shook a little. When the scalding water splashed onto my hand, the sudden intense pain caused my hand to shake even more. When I could put the container down, it appeared to be an extreme situation.
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December 21, 2015 issue
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Grady, Marty, Dilys Bell, Claire McArthur, Roberta
Mary Baker Eddy
The meekness that receives the Christ
Mark Swinney
A growing understanding of ‘comfort’s art’
Gustel Gigi Suiffet
The ‘devotion of thought’ to healing
Lynn G. Jackson
A ‘link’ worth checking out
Blythe Evans
The best ‘first aid’
Jeanne Troutman
Normal sight restored
Peter Glazebrook
Injuries and fear healed
Marge Griffin
Keep while ye need it
Photograph by Margaret Zuber
Protecting the purity of the Olympics
The Monitor’s Editorial Board
Fulfillment on the playing field
Liz Butterfield Wallingford
The Spirit of God bearing ‘outward, upward, heavenward’*
Allison W. Phinney