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Normal sight restored
Understanding the omnipresence of God, Spirit, is a fundamental concept of Christian Science. Its importance is shown widely throughout the Old and New Testaments, and it is explained in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the textbook of Christian Science. Christian Science teaches that God is both omnipresent and omnipotent, and that, in reality, goodness is the only power. Christian Science explains how the mission of Christ Jesus disproved the supposed reality of a power opposed to God, even in the face of contrary evidence.
I have not always been quick to hold on to the truth of God’s allness. However, one spring morning in 2012, when I was away from home, I was reading the weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson when the print became jumbled. When I looked up, I was seeing two of everything I was looking at.
Wondering how I might be able to drive my rental car, I telephoned a Christian Science practitioner. The response was, “I’ll get on to it straight away.” This meant that the practitioner would begin praying for me immediately. My wife realized that there was a problem, and I felt her support.
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December 21, 2015 issue
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Grady, Marty, Dilys Bell, Claire McArthur, Roberta
Mary Baker Eddy
The meekness that receives the Christ
Mark Swinney
A growing understanding of ‘comfort’s art’
Gustel Gigi Suiffet
The ‘devotion of thought’ to healing
Lynn G. Jackson
A ‘link’ worth checking out
Blythe Evans
The best ‘first aid’
Jeanne Troutman
Normal sight restored
Peter Glazebrook
Injuries and fear healed
Marge Griffin
Keep while ye need it
Photograph by Margaret Zuber
Protecting the purity of the Olympics
The Monitor’s Editorial Board
Fulfillment on the playing field
Liz Butterfield Wallingford
The Spirit of God bearing ‘outward, upward, heavenward’*
Allison W. Phinney