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Trustworthy government—present now
The popular revolts sweeping North Africa and the Middle East have excited hopes that Arabs, long oppressed by autocratic rulers, will find new and lasting freedom. But as Egypt is beginning to discover, the path from spontaneous uprising to meaningful reform is one that requires patience and persistence. Already, economic hardship, coordinated violence, and unjust treatment and trial of detainees have clouded Egyptians’ jubilation at having ousted former president Hosni Mubarak.
In this period of tremendous change, unprecedented for at least half a century in that region, there is a great desire for better government—government that is just, trustworthy, and a guarantor of freedom. How is such government to be found and established, both in nations and individual lives? Sentinel founder Mary Baker Eddy pointed to the God that led the children of Israel out of Egypt, delivered Daniel in the lions’ den, and unloosed the bands of Paul and Silas in prison (see Ex., chaps. 3—12; Dan. 6:1–23; Acts 16:25–40).
“God has endowed man with inalienable rights, among which are self-government, reason, and conscience,” she wrote in her seminal book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. “Man is properly self‐governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love” (p. 106).
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April 25, 2011 issue
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Joy Oldemeyer, Jack Philips, Caroline Harlow, Yvette M. Whatley, Karen Rippberger
A new perspective on progress
Jeff Ward-Bailey, Staff Editor
Tall tales
Mabel Gragg
In the palm of his hand
Sam Wells
Addressing rising food prices with ‘Daily Bread’
Tanner Johnsrud
God does not punish, but redeems
Genelle Austin-Lett
The blessing of forgiving
By James Fisher
Church is like a box of rocks
By Sarah Hyatt
Shine a healing light on it!
By Brian Kissock
Justice through reliance on prayer
By Louis Mulumba Mwamba
A foundation of prayer for the rebuilding in Japan
By Beverley Beddoes-Mills
Winds of change that can bless—in the Middle East
By Tony Lobl
Trustworthy government—present now
Name removed by request
For peace and progress in the Middle East
Marta Greenwood
Making music
By Savannah Jackson
Our prayers for the people in Japan
Emma, Emily, E.G., Ellie, Emma, Cindy, Jasmine, Becca
Reprinted from The Christian Science Monitor: Finding home in Japan
Louis E. Benjamin
Grateful for spiritual flexibility and freedom
Elisabeth Seaman
A quick healing of abdominal pain
Kevin Ness
Quick healing of illness
Dan Ziskind
Permanent healing, not ‘soothing syrups’
The Editors