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Steps forward
Although it’s often hard in today’s world to see progress on political and economic fronts, in home and community relations, or regarding the best way of caring for one’s health, most people would agree that progress is something vital and worth working for.
This issue of the Sentinel takes a look at how advancing in spiritual perception and the practice of Christian Science moves us steadily forward on all of these issues. With a deepening conviction that God informs our steps, progress is inevitable, and this enables us to overcome resistance to our efforts and to bring harmony and healing.
Lead writer Rebecca Odegaard develops this theme in her article “Progress is a Godly concept” (p. 14). She writes that progress is not a personal assessment of how we think we are doing. It’s not dependent on material observations. “It is God’s effect on us,” she says. And she illustrates this by recounting a friend’s experience, during which spiritual progress was the key to physical healing.
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January 10, 2011 issue
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Elizabeth Luck , Paulette Watkins. , Nina Riley , Jan True Jacoby
Steps forward
Kim Shippey, Senior Writer
The blessing of ‘enough’
Kristin Swenson
Supporting journalists under fire
Abraham McLaughlin
The triumph of Life
Michael Hamilton
Taking my thought higher
By Adrienne Jones
New light
Suzanne Goewert
Don’t look down . . . look up!
By Carol Mcfall
Your identity cannot be stolen
By Ann Kenrick
To end mob violence
By Patrick Essobo
Progress is a Godly concept
By Rebecca Odegaard
Nothing could stop the healing
By Katherine Leech
Taking God’s hand
By Margaret C. Poyser
Back to beautiful
Your questions about church
Tom Asher, Judi Bell
perfection . . . now!
Richard Spencer Darling
Grateful for three important healings
Bill Bruch
Healed of heart problems and flu symptoms
Jane Kent Winner
‘I became conscious only of harmony’
Renath Moke
Righteous rebellion
The Editors