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Grateful for three important healings
I’d like to relate three testimonies of healing that have demonstrated the principles of Christian Science to me. In recalling what occurred, I’ve noticed that there was a metaphysical moment of enlightenment, or listening to God, that was key.
Many years ago, while an engineering student, I spilled a liquid bromine compound down my wrist and on the inside of my arm, when I accidentally unscrewed the wrong valve on a piece of equipment. This liquid is extremely corrosive, although I don’t remember any pain. Before I knew it, two of the instructors grabbed me and rushed me into a safety shower, dousing me with water. They then told me that we were going to the hospital.
As we reached the outside of the building, the light and warmth of the magnificent spring day engulfed me, and I immediately thought of the all-encompassing presence of divine Love. It was a powerful reminder of the allness of God and my real spiritual identity as God’s beloved child. A sense of peace came over me, and although we were physically running for the car in the garage, I then and there mentally stopped racing with my thoughts. I rejoiced in the spiritual truth of my being.
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January 10, 2011 issue
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Elizabeth Luck , Paulette Watkins. , Nina Riley , Jan True Jacoby
Steps forward
Kim Shippey, Senior Writer
The blessing of ‘enough’
Kristin Swenson
Supporting journalists under fire
Abraham McLaughlin
The triumph of Life
Michael Hamilton
Taking my thought higher
By Adrienne Jones
New light
Suzanne Goewert
Don’t look down . . . look up!
By Carol Mcfall
Your identity cannot be stolen
By Ann Kenrick
To end mob violence
By Patrick Essobo
Progress is a Godly concept
By Rebecca Odegaard
Nothing could stop the healing
By Katherine Leech
Taking God’s hand
By Margaret C. Poyser
Back to beautiful
Your questions about church
Tom Asher, Judi Bell
perfection . . . now!
Richard Spencer Darling
Grateful for three important healings
Bill Bruch
Healed of heart problems and flu symptoms
Jane Kent Winner
‘I became conscious only of harmony’
Renath Moke
Righteous rebellion
The Editors