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I went back to the article "Breakfast with Tom" in the May 19 Sentinel as I was reading the second installment in the June 2 issue. While reading how Tom Boomershine discovered the storytelling aspect of the Gospels, my foot began to itch. This has been an ongoing problem. The irritation has been exceedingly painful, and sometimes I feel like crying inside. But I had been praying for some time to hear God's "angel" thoughts.
I took ideas from this article to tell myself the story of the leper who came to Jesus asking to be healed. I thought of this man wrapped in a blanket, feeling the pain and disease of his affliction. Trembling with the agitation of his discomfort, he sees Jesus approaching. There is a light coming from him. Not a blinding light, but a warm, comforting light.
How can I explain it? I think of a snowy night and a log cabin in the valley with all the windows lit. There is smoke coming from the chimney. The glow is one of warmth, comfort, and home. This is the kind of light I see coming from the man on the road. I know I have entered this circle of warm light when I fall to my face and ask for healing. I know I have come home.
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July 14, 2003 issue
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Family and fatherhood, lost and found
Warren Bolon
with contributions from Dorothy John Davis, Katherine M. Ivy Ellis, David A. Cornell, Patricia Drysdale
items of interest
with contributions from John Mark Eberhart, Bill Lodge, David Hammer, Scott Hannaford
faith in the family
with contributions from Maranatha Ruggeri Millani, Audrey Sentinella, By Anti Allikas, Theresia Nsangli-nange
A golfer who prays
By Kim Shippey Senior Writer
Your prayer makes a difference in the world
By Linda Hitt
The power of a psalm
By Libby Skala
Antwone Fisher—healing the past in film and in print
By Shelly Angel
The ever-enlarging family
By Dave Hohle
Basketball injury quickly healed
Francesca Karpel with contributions from Ethan Karpel
Prayer enlarges our vision
Judith Mojon
Sports—wrong versus right