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Effects of poisonous spider bite healed
A little over a year ago I woke experiencing flulike symptoms and extreme fatigue, but not actually feeling ill. An excessive desire to sleep, however, alerted me to call a Christian Science practitioner for treatment. I felt it was imperative that I stay awake and pray. I then turned wholeheartedly to God, trusting in Jesus' promise "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).
The struggle to stay awake made it difficult for me to pray. But as I held steadfastly to the truth that sleep had no power to heal, restore strength, or exert a hypnotic influence because God is All-in-all, the struggle decreased somewhat. I was able to read the Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly.
The condition progressively affected my ability to smell and taste, as well as my speech and hearing. But as I considered prayerfully a statement from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, "Spirit's senses are without pain, and they are forever at peace," it became clear to me that in reality there are no material senses to become affected or lost, that the spiritual senses are the only senses, and so, as the passage continues, "Nothing can hide from them the harmony of all things and the might and permanence of Truth" (pp. 214–215). Peace soon flooded my consciousness, and the symptoms began to abate.
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March 30, 1998 issue
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To Our Readers
Russ Gerber
with contributions from Suzy Seibert, Sara Gallant, Ashley Worthington
items of interest
with contributions from Suze Orman, Rosalie Dunbar, Jay Walljasper
Breaking the genetic code
By Nathan A. Talbot
A reaction to anger like no other
By Christine Carroll Kaehn
Shelagh Campbell
"A Heart to Know God"
Report and photographs By Kim Shippey
Safe when we hear and heed God's direction
By Lynn Gray Jackson
Robert J. Rowan
Watch out for intruders
By Jason Sheppard Greer
Jacob and Joseph—divided family members reunite
By Patricia del Castillo
Effects of poisonous spider bite healed
Mary Allyene McKinley
Sore throat cured
Harriet S. Impey
From hypochondria to peace of mind
Yu-Tang Daniel Lew
Extreme fear overcome
Claire Shillito
Your nest is not empty
By Joan Sieber Ware
What's your IQ? Does it really matter?
William E. Moody