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A reaction to anger like no other
Here's a sure-fire way not only to defuse but to heal discord.
You've probably had an experience something like one of these: You're driving down a busy street when someone suddenly pulls out in front of you, causing you to hit the brakes. Or someone with a hot temper comes to work and out of nowhere blames you for his or her problems. Or maybe your kids or your spouse has just done something or neglected to do something that is threatening to set you off into a fit of anger.
How do you react? Your answer to this question determines your success in handling any situation. We always have a choice between being upset, angry, or bringing harmony and healing. We don't have to react with a display of temper, hurt feelings, or anger, because we can "go higher"—we can immediately turn our thoughts to the Christly way of living that Jesus taught. And when we do this, we become healers instead of "reactors." Science and Health explains Christ in this way: "The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error" (p. 583).
Jesus, the master Christian, was an expert healer because he drew his strength from his oneness with God and taught his followers to do the same. We all can learn more about our oneness with God, our Christlike identity. Since we are in fact already spiritual, we don't actually have to develop our spiritual selfhood, but we do need to awaken to what has always been true about us as God's children and put it into practice. Every day is an opportunity for us to discover and express the goodness and love that define who we really are. As we do this, we see increasing evidence of strength, poise, balance, and order in our experience.
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March 30, 1998 issue
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To Our Readers
Russ Gerber
with contributions from Suzy Seibert, Sara Gallant, Ashley Worthington
items of interest
with contributions from Suze Orman, Rosalie Dunbar, Jay Walljasper
Breaking the genetic code
By Nathan A. Talbot
A reaction to anger like no other
By Christine Carroll Kaehn
Shelagh Campbell
"A Heart to Know God"
Report and photographs By Kim Shippey
Safe when we hear and heed God's direction
By Lynn Gray Jackson
Robert J. Rowan
Watch out for intruders
By Jason Sheppard Greer
Jacob and Joseph—divided family members reunite
By Patricia del Castillo
Effects of poisonous spider bite healed
Mary Allyene McKinley
Sore throat cured
Harriet S. Impey
From hypochondria to peace of mind
Yu-Tang Daniel Lew
Extreme fear overcome
Claire Shillito
Your nest is not empty
By Joan Sieber Ware
What's your IQ? Does it really matter?
William E. Moody