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Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy your flight!
Do you ever wish you could soar like a bird, even if just for one quick spin over your house? Thinking about birds recently, I was surprised to find how many different kinds are mentioned in the Bible and what lovely qualities are usually associated with them. The eagle, for example, is coupled with strength (see Isa. 40:31); the mother hen with protection (see Matt. 23:37); the sparrow with God's care (see Luke 12:6).
I was also delighted to find this comment about birds in Science and Health in a chapter that interprets the beginning of the Bible's book of Genesis. It states, "The fowls, which fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, correspond to aspirations soaring beyond and above corporeality to the understanding of the incorporeal and divine Principle, Love" (pp. 511-512). How wonderful to think of birds as symbols of our spiritual aspirations, naturally rising higher and higher until they're beyond mortal view, and certainly beyond fear.
I used to be terrified of flying, but I was freed from that fear as I began to realize that, as a favorite hymn says, "Everlasting arms of Love / Are beneath, around, above" (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 53). It became increasingly clear to me that if we board our airplanes (or cars, or trains, or boats) with a strong consciousness of God's presence—of divine Love's protection, of divine Mind's direction and control—then our travel is governed by God's law, not by the elements, by chance, or by another's ability or skill.
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December 8, 1997 issue
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The Editors
Safe travel: a Titanic or an ark experience?
Channing Walker
The night the Titanic sank
C. H. Lightoller
Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy your flight!
Clark Gary Rogers
Where is God if tragedy strikes?
Sancy Nason Childs
Wake up and watch
Maryl Nier Wells
Waking thoughts
Genevieve Wilks Grimmett
"We have no poor"
Marguerite E. Buttner
Nothing to wear!
Susan Bradway
Two Christmases?
Henry G. Rutledge, Jr.
Christmas holidays kept peaceful
Mary Neale Stutt
Belonging to a fraternity
Clifford Kapps Eriksen
Will I go to heaven?
Linda Hitt Shaver
Beyond traditional boundaries
by Kim Shippey
Be happy today
Barbara M. Vining
Morning start-up
Kardyne Flad Steacy
When my daughter was twelve years old, she ran away from...
Caroline Sellar Dunlap
On a rainy morning, while I was en route to work via a winding...
Sherry L. Fleener
My wife and I were planning a much-awaited trip in 1995 with...
Percy M. Lowe, Jr.
My mother tells me that when I was born, I came home from...
Susan Hunt Deal