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I recently came across a collection of notes that I had made...
I recently came across a collection of notes that I had made while studying in the Christian Science Reading Room of my branch church. I had given them the heading "This is not a physical problem." These were the notes that I had gathered together while seeking the healing of a painful condition in the area of my prostate. I recall having been very uncomfortable for over a year. At one point this condition was such that I found it difficult to walk or sit; numbness in my legs was not uncommon. I had asked a Christian Science practitioner for treatment, and he had helped me to reject the notion that I was dealing with a physical condition and to think instead in terms of consciousness.
I found the following statement from Science and Health set my thought working in the right direction: "When the blood rushes madly through the veins or languidly creeps along its frozen channels, we call these conditions disease. This is a misconception. Mortal mind is producing the propulsion or the languor, and we prove this to be so when by mental means the circulation is changed, and returns to that standard which mortal mind has decided upon as essential for health.Anodynes, counter-irritants, and depletion never reduce inflammation scientifically, but the truth of being, whispered into the ear of mortal mind, will bring relief" (pp. 373–374).
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June 10, 1996 issue
View Issue-
Sue Rohde
Dismantling fear
Helen Tucker Parnell
What doesn't change?
Joan Sieber Ware
my ever psalm
Patricia Kadick
Fatherhood—enlisting the help of angels
William M. Fabian
Dear Sentinel,
with contributions from Reed Cooper, Jason Ryan Frasier, La Veda Frasier, John B. Frasier
Trafficking in truth
Nancy Weckler Bachmann
The torch of spiritual understanding
Margaret Coleman Brown Poyser
clergywoman with contributions from reader
"Our spiritual health"
by Kim Shippey
This day
Dorothy Bowen Fynn
The environment—fragmented or whole?
William E. Moody
Recently I was reminded of a healing that took place a number...
Lois Sauer Degler
I recently came across a collection of notes that I had made...
David W. Miller
One evening last fall I turned on the television to listen to the...
Rita Hayes Hornbeak