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Let me begin with heartfelt gratitude for the Christian Science...
Let me begin with heartfelt gratitude for the Christian Science magazines. They provide readers the opportunity to be "spiritual pen pals." Through these magazines one can share thoughts, experiences, suggestions, and testimonies.
Recently I read an article in The Christian Science Journal that reminded me of a healing I had about four years ago. A hangnail on my left thumb had become severly infected. Initially I ignored it, thinking it would heal by itself. But after several days on increasing pain and swelling, and the eventual discoloration of the top half of my thumb, I could see that I was going to have to do more.
That Saturday I had made plans to visit a friend who lived about two hours away. As I entered the freeway in my car, the pain in my thumb grew worse. Immediately I decided to refute every evil thought that came to me regarding that condition. I repeated every spiritual truth I could remember from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I also repeated the Lord's Prayer, the "Daily Prayer" (see Manual of The Mother Church by Mrs. Eddy, Art. VIII, Sect. 4), the sixth tenet of Christian Science (see Science and Health, p. 497), and "the scientific statement of being" (see ibid., p. 468) over and over, each time emphasizing a different word, in order to absorb the truths these statements contain. I replaced each thought of pain with a truth about my real identity as a perfect child of God. I firmly declared that there is no room in God for anything imperfect. I realized that in order to have a healing, I would have to replace every thought of infection with the opposite, spiritual counterfacts of affection and reflection. I became so absorbed in this activity that I forgot about the clock, and it seemed that I arrived at my friend's house in no time at all.
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December 4, 1995 issue
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Prayer and watching world events
Lacy Bell Richter
Praying for change
by Kim Shippey
Insights into healing pain
Written for the Sentinel
Healing negative behavior
Don LeRoy Griffith III
Dear Sentinel,
with contributions from Katy Stephens, Ashley Jurekovic, Jessica Huck
"Quench not the Spirit"
Barbara Huber
How can we care enough?
William E. Moody
Supporting today's researchers
Russ Gerber
When I was a junior in college, after I'd asked many questions...
Betty Spruill Gillingham