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Dear Sentinel
From children and young people
Dear Sentinel,
Last summer I was on vacation at Yellowstone National Park with my family and some other Christian Scientists. I woke up one morning with an earache. It was keeping me from enjoying my other activities. So I called a Christian Science practitioner to help me pray. The ideas the practitioner shared were about my perfect relationship to God.
That afternoon I was signed up to go on a horseback ride with some of my friends, and I was really upset I might not be able to go. Just before the horseback ride, my mother and I went for a walk. We discussed the line from Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy that states, "Stand porter at the door of thought" (p. 392). I was very strong in my stand against error, not letting in thoughts that said I had an earache or I could not go riding. When it came time for the ride, the pain had gone away, and I had a wonderful time! It never bothered me again.
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August 15, 1994 issue
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God—in the midst of you!
Judith Hardy Olson
Dear Sentinel
with contributions from Brett Fletcher-McGookin, Anne
Prayer changes a school system
Geraldine Schiering with contributions from Don Griffith
Love— it's the better way
Ann L. Grauberger
Intelligence is not guesswork
Candace H. Berschauer
Unlimited demand chasing after limited resources?
Julio C. Rivas T.
Why finish school?
Mary Metzner Trammell
No resentment
Barbara M. Vining
I Began the serious study of Christian Science as a young...
Florence L. Frederick with contributions from Steve Frederick
A wonderful neighbor shared Christian Science with my...
Doris L. Braun
It is with deep gratitude that I submit this testimony
Anne Anderson
My appreciation for Christian Science has been too long...
Mary C. Folsom