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In Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Australia, Canada, Europe, and parts of Asia, shortwave radio broadcasts of The Herald of Christian Science are reaching a large audience. We thought that Sentinel readers might enjoy reading adaptations from some of these radio programs.
The Herald Broadcast
Self-esteem and valuing others
Bea Roegge: We're calling our program today "Self-esteem and the valuing of others." I'm sure we all know of instances where someone did not recognize his or her value and, as a result, did something unworthy. Maybe committed a crime, got caught in addiction, hurt others. We have many more examples, I trust, of people who do have an awareness of their own value, their own capabilities, and are doing much to bless others. We're going to talk about that. But I wonder if you've ever doubted your own worthiness. I have. I think most of us have. Well, we have in the studio today our friend David Driver from Seattle, Washington. And David has traveled over the world as a Christian Science lecturer, has helped many people. David, I wonder, have you ever been challenged by a lack of self-esteem?
David Driver: Yes, indeed, I have. The occasion that comes most prominently to mind is a time when I'd been invited to address what really amounted to a conference. This organization had a one-day conference once a year. And the typical thing was for the whole of that day to be addressed by one person. And so I'd been invited and I'd felt very honored to be invited.
Bea: And very confident?
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November 9, 1992 issue
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The Editors
"I never say to a judge, 'This is an evil person...'"
with contributions from Scott H. Walden
Saying "No!" to sickness
Joe Eller
Disappointing the criminal intent
William S. Stay
Self-esteem and valuing others
Bea Roegge with contributions from David Driver, Mildred Johnson
Perfection and progress
Richard C. Bergenheim
Mary Metzner Trammell
Our freedom to learn
Russ Gerber
I write this testimony with gratitude for a life filled with...
Margaret Ingle Elliston
Christian Science has been invaluable in solving all kinds of...
Peggy-Ann Bumgarner