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Second Thought
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Christianity Today
"Crimes of Faith?"
"The vice-president of a Florida savings and loan, and his wife, a private-school administrator, were recently convicted of third-degree murder and child abuse following the death of their seven-year-old daughter for whom they sought the help of a Christian Science practitioner rather than conventional medical care. The case of William and Christine Hermanson is just the first of six current cases where parents are facing criminal charges after avoiding conventional medicine for religious reasons.
"The issues surrounding these cases are many: including religious freedom, parental responsibilities, children's 'rights,' the unquestioned value of medical science, and the point at which the courts may intervene in family affairs. ...
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January 8, 1990 issue
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Fear gripping a country can be reversed
Dorothy Dipuo Maubane
PROGRAM NO. 25 - About our Father's business
Derek Holmes, Jacqueline Als-Schmit, Tim Smucker, Esperanza Ismann, Paul Daugherty, [Hardinah] Soejadi
Christ will heal us
Rosalie E. Dunbar
Second Thought
David Neff
"An house not made with hands"
Mabel Constance Tressilian
The Christian Science Board of Directors
A spiritual basis for unity in the twenty-first century
Olga M. Chaffee
Safety—watching what we hold in thought
William E. Moody
When I take a retrospective look at my life, I rejoice in...
Jorge Martinez
A few days before Christmas a couple of years ago, I was...
Margaret W. Hayward