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Let God bring your life together
No matter how tough things are, no matter how seemingly hopeless, there is a way out. Our spiritual inheritance is always at hand for us to claim.
At one point I was alone, with very little money. I had just started a very low-paying job in a new town and was only able to afford to rent a room in someone's home. I made so little that I didn't even open a bank account. Hanging in my closet was the sum total of my wardrobe: three outfits I owned for work, and a coat, hat, and boots. These circumstances may present a picture of limited means, but I only outline them here to contrast with the joy I was experiencing at the time.
The reason for my joy was that I had been sincerely depending on God to supply my needs and happiness. And this modest beginning was the fruit of that trust. Since there were few human supports to lean on at this time, I was grateful to have a practical knowledge of God through the study of Christian Science. The bounty from God's allness always proved to be enough for me when I realized what the bounty included and saw that I was entitled to it as God's child. In fact, my dependence on Him became so great that I actually felt completely satisfied, safe, and secure, and my human needs were always met.
What was the basis for this practical trust? A spiritual understanding of God. As Mrs. Eddy explains in her major work, Science and Health: "Not materially but spiritually we know Him as divine Mind, as Life, Truth, and Love. We shall obey and adore in proportion as we apprehend the divine nature and love Him understandingly, warring no more over the corporeality, but rejoicing in the affluence of our God." Science and Health, p. 140.
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January 25, 1988 issue
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Healing and hope for all generations
Marian C. English
The love that heals addiction
Khorshed Langrana
On Love and progress
Robert Edwin Marquand, Jr.
Turning for home
Margaret H. Sullivan
Gwendolyn Joy Reges
I deserve to forgive
Nana Wolaver
Let God bring your life together
Carol Winograd
Deciding what you really want
Michael D. Rissler
The value of stillness
Ann Kenrick
A psalm of praise
Elizabeth Melichar Marth
What's really happening
Jan Kassahn Keeler
A Number of years ago when our daughters were quite young,...
Patricia L. Wilkin
My parents first heard about Christian Science when I was a...
Flora S. Rivera
It often seems that mankind, in its search for good health, has...
Burdette R. Farrand
"I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten...
Marie S. Russell