The demand to be born again

The phrase born again, occasionally mentioned by speakers in the various media, was originally used by Christ Jesus when he told Nicodemus, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3. Many Christians are making efforts to be born again, and many are daily discovering that more is needed than a self-righteous attitude and a repetition of words.

The Christian knows that prayer and self-discipline are required to gain the spiritual awakening that is new birth. A good beginning in this renewal is asking God for the wisdom of an "understanding heart." This was what Solomon asked of God when he became king of Israel, and the Bible says that God was pleased with his request. See I Kings 3:5–15 . God's wisdom provides all that is required for new birth. As the understanding He gives us is practiced in daily life, we are regenerated and redeemed. Working with God, we begin to recognize His great love for us. It is He that genuinely impels our spiritual progress. He is closer to us than even our closest loved one can be, because God is Love, perfect Love. Mrs. Eddy writes in her book Unity of Good: "Now this self-same God is our helper. He pities us. He has mercy upon us, and guides every event of our careers. He is near to them who adore Him." Un., pp. 3–4.

Spiritual rebirth promotes in our thought a fundamental change of base from matter to Spirit, revealing that we are not sinning mortals endeavoring to become better mortals. Rather, each of us is the perfect child of Love. We find this out as we put off limited seeing and knowing and turn to God for the evidence He gives of man's perfection.

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God's care
August 25, 1986

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