Letters to the Press

From Christian Science Committees on Publication

On February 27, 1979, The Wall Street Journal ran an article which was remarkably biased in its reporting on Christian Science. A number of newspapers in the United States and Canada and several radio and television programs accepted The Wall Street Journal's opinions uncritically, either reprinting the original story or using it as a basis for their own articles and programs. (A corrective letter published by The Wall Street Journal appeared in the Sentinel of May 14.) The following statement was the basis for the last in a series of five radio programs arranged by the Committee on Publication, giving Christian Scientists' viewpoint. It was aired May 11, 1979, on CBS network stations.

Statement by A. W. Phinney, Manager, Committees on Publication, for "A Question of Religion," KCBS, San Francisco, and CBS radio network stations.

You know, someone once said it takes a hundred years for a new religious denomination to even begin to be understood. Since 1979 is the centennial year of Christian Science it's probably time to begin!

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

July 30, 1979

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