During his trial by Pontius Pilate on the night before his crucifixion, Christ Jesus made this statement to Pilate: "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.
Knowing God as man's only real relative and friend confers freedom from the belief that constant or frequent contact with persons is essential to our happiness.
Joan Lindsay
with contributions from Leon W. Lindsay
Christian Science has brought blessings to my family for three generations, and now our three sons are receiving the benefits of the application of the Christ, Truth, daily.
My parents, though not Christian Scientists, enrolled me in the Christian Science Sunday School, so I learned at an early age to rely on God in working out my problems.
Some years ago my husband and I were living on an island where there were no other Christian Scientists and where there seemed to be a great sense of restriction.
Detailed information regarding lectures in the United States and Canada must reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department nine weeks before the date of a lecture in order to ensure publication in the Sentinel.
A directory of all Churches of Christ, Scientist, and Christian Science Societies, including the hours of their services and information about their Reading Rooms, appears monthly in The Christian Science Journal.
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