can so easily fall into the habit of criticizing others if we are not alert, for in acknowledging the standard of perfection set by Christian Science and in trying to bring out that ideal in our own lives, we too often expect others to have reached that standard already.
our daily round of activities we often see or hear something that reminds us to be more alert in watching our thinking in regard to our own welfare or safety as well as that of others.
Churches, societies, and college organizations in the United States and Canada wishing to give lectures during the first two months of the next lecture year, namely July and August, 1964, are requested to inform the Board of Lectureship before May 22.
Everett Walton Goodhue
with contributions from Mary Taylor Goodhue
I was born and brought up in New England, on the doorstep, as it were, of Christian Science, I knew nothing about it until well along in my professional career.
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