[Following is substantially the text of the program of the above title released for broadcast the week end of January 1—3 in the radio series, "How Christian Science Heals," heard internationally over approximately 800 stations. This is one of the weekly programs produced by the Christian Science Committee on Publication, 107 Falmouth Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts.]

RADIO PROGRAM No. 329 - Overcoming Barriers to Our Progress

Speaker: How often it is that people feel that something is keeping them from making the progress they desire. But the barriers melt away when one gives up misguided goals and gains a true motive and purpose in life.

We are going to hear an interesting experience of an engineering executive from the state of Washington. He faced a typical career problem and found his answer through the prayer of spiritual understanding. He is Brown W. Saveland, of Seattle, Washington.

Mr. Saveland, I'm sure you feel prayer can bring the answer to any career problem.

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