About six years ago I was sick and miserable, and could...

About six years ago I was sick and miserable, and could see no end to my financial troubles. I never had any faith in medicine, and was dissatisfied with the orthodox teaching. I felt that I was the most discouraged person on earth, but Christian Science came to my rescue, and saved me from the grave. I was healed of many different ailments, but if there is any one thing that I am more grateful for than another, it is this: I used to be in constant fear of death, and now. I am thankful to say, I am entirely free from this fear. I am learning how to live through the understanding of Christian Science, as taught in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. A few weeks ago I was called to my sister's home. Her little boy, two years old, was taken with a severe case of pneumonia. My sister, being a student of Christian Science, telephoned to her teacher for help and the child was healed in a short time.

I cannot express the gratitude I felt at that time for this truth. It certainly seemed as if death had been overcome. I am thankful to Mrs. Eddy, and to my teacher for the understanding I have of Christian Science.
Mrs. Johanna Harms, Bloomington, Ill.

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January 28, 1905

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