It is more than ten years now since I first learned of...

It is more than ten years now since I first learned of Christian Science, and when I am asked how it came about, I generally answer, that I walked right into it, for so it seemed to me. My husband and I were both church members, but we were not bigoted in any way, and so by mutual consent we frequently attended service in churches of other denominations. They all seemed alike to me, except that "our church" seemed a little the best. It came to me, however, that there was something more to do than merely going to church on Sundays, and I said so to my husband. We had seen the Christian Science church notice among others, but had never made any effort to attend.

About this time a very dear friend told me she was reading a most wonderful book, the reading of which had healed her and made her a Christian Scientist. She also said she had attended a Christian Science service, and we decided to go also. We went one Sunday morning, and although I had never seen Science and Health, nor had the slightest idea of what Christian Science was, yet at that Sunday morning service I was completely converted, and said as we came away, "I always knew there was a clearer and better way to worship God, and this is my ideal of Christian worship." From that Sunday morning I never had any desire to attend service anywhere else, and both of us have been in Christian Science from that time. I have never seen anything in Christian Science that I could not and did not accept at once. We entered a class a few months after attending our first service and studied with one of Mrs. Eddy's students, to whom we give endless thanks and love for her faithful teaching. I was in great need of help physically when I first learned of Christian Science, and I began at once to improve. For the past eight or nine years (I say it with deep gratitude) I have not had to ask help from any one, for Truth has enabled me to overcome all that has come to me, both in myself and many others. I know that Christian Science is the absolute truth, and I feel that I have but slightly expressed what it is to me. As we live up to its teachings we find that there is a God whose promises never fail. I wish to express my love and reverence for the dear one who has been found worthy to bring again to human consciousness the right understanding of God.

Mrs. Fannie L. Sellew, Brooklyn, N. Y.

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Testimony of Healing
From childhood, there was nothing I desired or loved...
January 14, 1905

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