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Christian Science
Watkins (N. Y.) Express
The following appreciative words' from a brother editor speak volumes for the value of the educational work which is being done by the Board of Lectureship, and for the far-seeing wisdom of our Leader in making this provision for the advancement of our Cause.—[Ed.]
The Express has not been in sympathy with Christian Science, so-called, and yet we have never been ready to take the position, assumed without investigation by many people, that the system was all folly and folderol. That it has some basic truth of value we are driven to admit in advance by the fact that so many people of intelligence subscribe to its tenets. So much as this, however, can probably be said of every belief which has won the approval of any considerable number of persons of average intelligence. Even some systems of rites or worship which might appear entirely absurd to thoughtful people are no doubt, relatively to the former belief of their converts, a step in advance.
These reflections are induced by the fact that in Rochester, the other day, one Edward A. Kimball delivered what seemed, all in all, the most sensible talk on Christian Science to which our attention has been called. He says that Christian Scientists are trying to do, as followers of Christ, what Christ said that his followers and disciples could and ought to do; that the works of the Saviour were not miraculous in the sense that they were in contravention of natural law, but that in fact his system of healing was natural, practical, scientific, and that it was within the power of human beings to attain similar results. Considering the causes of disease, Mr. Kimball says, very truly, that physiology takes no cognizance of the mental, moral, and spiritual natures of man. Herein, he adds, Christian Science differs from all material theories and beliefs, declaring, as it does, that much disease is caused primarily by ignorance, superstition, sin, and fear; many causes of sickness being thus to be sought in the mental realm instead of the material. This dictum suggests, at least, a recent utterance of Doctor Hill, late president of Rochester University and Assistant Secretary of State, who seems to regard good morals as merely an extension of good health into the realm of mind.
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January 14, 1905 issue
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Religion and Joyousness
The Gospel of Giving
Annual Meeting of the Church in Concord
Irving C. Tomlinson, Josiah E. Dwight, J. Wesley Plummer
Earnest Givers
William King
The Lectures
with contributions from Judge Clearwater, Lizzie L. Filbert, R. J. Wilson
Christian Scientists are not "skeptical as to the existence...
Albert E. Miller
Christian Scientists, instead of regarding man as an object...
Richard P. Verrall
Christian Science does not deal with the imagination...
W. S. Morris, Jr.
Our critic finds fault with the definition of God as given...
James D. Sherwood
Our Leader's Letter to the Concord Church
Mary Baker Eddy
A Cry in the Wilderness
John B. Willis
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from H. M. Ferris, Harry E. Sims, Barbara M. Prince, Clarence Arnold
As my thoughts go back to the time when I believed I...
Carrie Kruses
If I could express even a small part of my gratitude and...
Theodora Beckwith
It is more than ten years now since I first learned of...
Fannie L. Sellew
From childhood, there was nothing I desired or loved...
Magdalena Howser with contributions from Louis H. Jennings
I first heard, of Christian Science ten or twelve years...
Harry Vance Swope
Paul said, "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your...
Carrie A. McLeod
About six years ago I was healed of a severe case of...
J. E. Heronemus
Our Trust
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase