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From Our Exchanges
Man's true prayer,—the prayer which is true for him,—is the expression in words of the trend of his life. Man's effectual prayer is that petition which has in view and embraces the will of God. In all obediences to God and to righteousness, man is, as he should universally and continuously be, co-operating with God for the establishment of His kingdom on earth, and for the blessing of mankind. In all sinning and failure to obey he is resisting the will of God and limiting the blessedness of men. The true human attitude in prayer is that of Christ in his hour of great distress, "If this cup may not pass from me except I drink it, thy will be done." Importunity in prayer which has in view the accomplishment of the will of the petitioner and the bending of the will of God to our wills, is an impertinence. Rather is it the petitioner's place to seek to know and to come into harmony with the will of God. The various objects of prayer, personal, social, general, and worldwide, should be subordinated to the one desire that the kingdom of God may come and His will be done in earth as it is in heaven. That which is best for mankind as a whole is really best for each individual. The prayer which is selfish is prayer against the true interests of self and against the interests of mankind.—The Examiner.
The Journal and Messenger (Cincinnati Baptist) is amazed to find the following paragraph in the Sunday School Times, headed "Sin's Worst Punishment."
"It is often noted that punishment in the next world used to be more preached a few generations ago than it is to-day. Perhaps that is because men are coming to realize that religion is more a matter of this world than of the next,—certainly while we are here. But can punishment in the next world for sin be any greater than sin's punishment while we live? Sin's worst punishment is loss of power. We need not look into eternity to see this. Continued sin has only one end here: the power-current ceases; lights go out; wheels stop. Has any man so much power that he can risk the atrophy of one of his energies? Then he cannot afford to sin. Even God's forgiveness of sin does not restore all the lost power. 'The wages of sin is death'—death even while we live."—The Universalist Leader.
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December 3, 1904 issue
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Thanksgiving Service of The Mother Church
William B. Johnson
Thanksgiving Day Service at Concord, N. H.
with contributions from M. B. Eddy
The Ninety-first Psalm
Distinguishing Features of the Christian Science Church
A Sermon in Stone
Who Believes the Scriptures?
Alfred Farlow
There is no emotion in a Christian Science treatment,...
A. V. Stewart
The Lectures
with contributions from A. F. Walch, J. Guy Haugh
Charity and Invalids.
Mary Baker Eddy
Appreciation of a By-law
Dora S. Innis, Mary Baker Eddy
Grateful Thanks to the Field
George H. Kinter
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Olive Knight, Ellen E. Cross, Mary E. Pearson, Lida W. Fitzpatrick
I came to the study of Christian Science with a great...
Isabel Scott Hamilton with contributions from H. B. La Rue
To the many testimonies given in the Sentinel I should...
Mildred Reinken
I wish to tell of the benefits I have received from...
Joseph Kennedy
We have had so much help in our family through Christian Science...
Lillian Southall
About a year and a half ago, Christian Science found...
John C. Douglas
To enumerate in a short article, the many blessings I...
C. B. Summers
I have just been reading a number of the Sentinel, which...
Eleanor S. Smith
It is now a little over two years since I came into some...
Blanche G. Munger
The thought has often come to me when I read Science...
Mary McFeeters
A man must not choose his neighbor; he must take the...
George Macdonald
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase