The Rhodes scholars at Oxford University assembled Thanksgiving Day for a dinner, at which Henry White, Secretary of the American Embassy, responded to the toast "The Day We Celebrate.
Day found The Mother Church crowded to the doors with a grateful throng of worshipers, and the entire service was characterized by great earnestness and joy.
Thanksgiving services were held Thursday by the Christian Scientists of this city in the beautiful church edifice, a gift from the Reverend Mary Baker G.
has been written by Christian Scientists concerning the wonderful helpfulness of the 91st Psalm to those who are trying to demonstrate, in daily life, the exact and purely scientific teaching of the Holy Scriptures.
looking one day into the excavation made for the laying of the foundation of the enlargement of our Mother Church, I found the lesson that we who are working to erect "the structure of Truth and Love" within, must start aright, by first pulling down the buildings which mortal mind, false education, has erected, "the strongholds of materiality and personality" which have encumbered the place of truth; and having cleared away the rubbish we must dig down deep to make room for a sure and firm foundation on the solid rock, the Christ-truth.
There are millions of persons who believe that they believe the Scriptures, yet careful consideration discloses that among these millions who count themselves as believers, a very large percentage have but a limited knowledge of what the Bible contains, their belief in it being largely sentimental and traditional,—because their fathers believed in it before them; while still another large percentage, either intentionally or unconsciously, select from the Scriptures only such portions as are useful in supporting special doctrines and creeds, ignoring other and perhaps more important teachings.
are in receipt of a letter from one of our subscribers asking us to state what books may properly be called Christian Science literature, also to define the status of several books which she names.
Paul's beautiful discourse on charity, or "love" as it is better rendered, he says, "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child;.
Through the healing of a very badly ulcerated limb, though it came slowly, I had the uplifting assurance that I was healed, that God is All in all, and I felt a joy which tongue cannot express.
About a year and a half ago, Christian Science found me a physical wreck, helpless with rheumatism from which I had suffered for fifteen years, chronic catarrh of twentyfive years' standing.
I have just been reading a number of the Sentinel, which is so full of joyful, heartfelt acknowledgments and songs of thanksgiving, that I feel I must join the others who give thanks, for my life is so full of blessings that I can never express my gratitude.
The thought has often come to me when I read Science and Health, the Sentinel and the Journal, that I would send in my thanks for the helpful articles which are all, seemingly, for me.
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